for lunch and had a great time! I just wish I hadn’t felt so tired. Arlene is awesome. She’s simply brilliant and it’s marvelous to hear of her career as a composer and professor being so successful. I’ve known her for many years, and I’m utterly proud of her accomplishments, and of the fact that she’s still such a wonderful, happy, kind, beautiful friend!
After lunch, it was off to the O2. I clearly didn't comb my hair for this photo. Oops!
What a great show! The concert was completely sold out and the audience was incredible! The energy and response was so overwhelmingly wonderful, I kept a smile on my face for nearly the whole show! Stevie was in very good voice. He did an impromptu version of “Lately” that was stunningly beautiful.
During the show, Stevie took some time to commemorate those who lost their lives in the 9/11 tragedy. I pray that the world continues on the path of enlightenment, and that all of those who seek and wallow in the misery of hatred WAKE UP and realize how precious and beautiful life is, and that we are all one. God bless us every one...
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