The concert in Michigan went well. The audience was enthusiastic and full of joy and love. I had a great time, but then on the long bus ride to Milwaukee, I felt a sore throat coming on. I immediately took some zinc based tablets and went to bed, but I ended up getting sick anyway! I spent the entire day on Wednesday in the bed, but still didn’t shake it! Argh! I wish I could understand why, despite a very healthy diet, an awareness of keeping my hands clean and away from my face, a healthy exercise regiment and an insistence on getting enough sleep, I STILL GET SICK! What is that all about??? It must be that if I didn’t take such great care of myself, I’d be sick all of the time. In any case, it’s quite frustrating. I hate the idea of “wasting” time laying around trying to get healthy as opposed to spending my time practicing or being creative. Trust me, there’s plenty that I had wanted to do on Wednesday rather than lay in bed all day! I do everything that doctors and health practitioners tell me to do, yet I catch colds at least twice per year. Echinecea? Check. Zinc? Check. Vitamin supplements? Check. Tons of water? Check. Daily visualization, affirmations and meditation on being healthy? Check. 7-8 hours of sleep per night ? Check (most of the time). Avoidance of sugar, fats and cheap carbs? Check, check and check! Sigh…
The concert in at the Milwaukee Summerfest went really well, despite my nose running during the entire show. I still managed to sing (thank GOD), and had fun. The response of Stevie’s crowds is always such a beautiful thing to witness and compels me to do my best…NO EXCUSES! I love this job! : >
Summerfest photos:
At my keyboard station, standing at the top of the venue with Lake Michigan behind me, a view of Milwaukee

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