Gently plays her rhythmns on your window pane
Giving you no clue of when she plans to change
To bring rain or sunshine
And so you wait to see what she'll do
Is it sun or rain for you...
"Summer Soft" – Stevie Wonder
Ok, really? Rain again? Is anyone else more than a bit tired of the rain in the Bay Area? Well, given that I'm mostly vegetarian, I shouldn't complain about conditions that will yield much bounty in my garden later in the season,'s time for sundresses and sandals! Sunscreen and sunglasses! Get it? Sun, sun, sun, sun! Well, I suppose I'll have to make do with going to Greece with Stevie this June to get my sunshine! Woohoo! (Opa! Traditional celebratory Greek dance movement suddenly ensues...)
May was a great month of performance. Stevie did a few private fundraising events, and was kind enough to include me in the small group of band members. I had the chance to see the private home of a billionaire (! Most beautiful home EVER), got to meet David Foster, Bradley Cooper and MR. ROBERT DENIRO!!! You talkin' to me????

I stayed in NYC a few days after one fundraiser and spent time with family and friends, took a dance class, went salsa dancing, met and listened to some amazing musicians, including Gretchen Parlato, Robert Glasper, Taylor Eigsti, Meleni Smith, Bridget Barkan and Lenny Harold. Good, good, good times, folks... ; >

I was so inspired by my trip to NYC that I came home ready to get to work on my own project. I've made some najor adjustments to my schedule, remind myself daily of what it's going to take to get to the "next level" and have been consistent...for once!! : > Yay! I've got a performance on June 4 in Oakland where I'll be performing a couple of the tunes that have potential to get on the CD. My strategy is to write FAR too many songs and choose from the best of the bunch, all the while trying songs in public to see which go over best with the audience and which cling closest to my heart/soul.
Here are my upcoming performance listings. Check out the calendar for updates, and I hope to see you at a show!
Fri, Jun 3
6:30pm - 81:30pm
E-22 Café
Open mic! Come sing! Bring your instrument! Play a song or two with me!
1366 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 | 510.428.9334 | map
Sat, June 4
Ladies Night
featuring outstanding local pianists
Piedmont Piano Company
Socorro de Castro -- Allison Lovejoy -- Debbie Poryes -- Annie Sajdera -- Victoria Theodore, Piano
1728 San Pablo Oakland, CA 94612 | 510.547.8188 | map
Sat, June 18
8:30pm - 11:30pm
Marcello's Restaurant & Piano Bar
Open mic! Come sing! Bring your instrument! Play a song or two with me!
515 San Ramon Valley Boulevard Danville, CA 94526 | 925.838.8144 | map
Sat, Jun 25
Stevie Wonder
Special Olympics Summer Games - Opening Ceremony 2011
Kallimarmaron Panathenaikon Stadium
Vasileos Konstantinou Avenue
Athens Greece